Become a Reviewer
Why Referee Manuscripts?
The answer is simple—you always learn something. As a referee, you learn something about writing, pedagogy, and mathematics—every single time.
What Are the Benefits of Refereeing Manuscripts?
Refereeing manuscripts is an excellent way to gain experience in the writing process and to share your perspective and expertise with prospective authors.
You can be heard and can influence the journal. You share your expertise and perspective on what kinds of activities and suggestions are helpful to classroom teachers.
You will develop professionally. Reading potential articles exposes you are to new ideas and methods of presentation.
You will stay current with what students are interested in and how their interests intersect their study of mathematics.
You will be contributing and giving back to the mathematics teachers’ community.
You will become more professionally involved with your membership organization.
What Is the Time Commitment for Referees?
You will be requested to review about two or three manuscripts a year that are closely matched to the areas of interest and expertise on your profile. It takes approximately two hours to read and analyze a manuscript and then to write a well-developed review online. Three weeks are given to complete the review. If you recommend the manuscript be revised, you may be asked to re-review after the revisions are made.
What Is the Manuscript Referee Process?
When a manuscript is submitted that matches your areas of interest and expertise, your name—along with other experts’ names—is flagged. You and two other subject-matter experts will receive an email invitation to referee the submission.
If you accept the invitation, you will receive a second email that gives you access to the manuscript as well as the electronic evaluation form.
During the review process, you will recommend to accept, reject, or revise the submission.
Manuscripts then move to the appropriate journal's Editorial Panel or Board for a final decision.
If the author is asked to revise the manuscript, the Editorial Panel or Editor-in-Chief may return the revised copy to you to assess whether the author made the necessary changes.
How Do I Sign Up to Referee?
If you are an NCTM member—or your school has an institutional membership—from the list below, select the journal you wish to review for. Then select New Users: Please register here and follow the on-screen prompts. Please note that members can choose to be a referee, a reviewer, or both on more than one journal.
Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK–12
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
How Do I Update My Profile with New Contact Information, Interests, and Areas of Expertise?
Select the appropriate journal from the list below. Scroll to the bottom of the screen under General Tasks. Click Modify Profile/Password. Make your changes, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Modify Profile/Continue.