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GPS: Composing and Decomposing Shapes Across the Grades

Kyle Carpenter and Sarah Roller Dyess

Growing Problem Solvers provides four original, related, classroom-ready mathematical tasks, one for each grade band. Together, these tasks illustrate the trajectory of learners' growth as problem solvers across their years of school mathematics.

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Hyperbolic Duckies

Sophia Wood

Modeling exponential growth with crochet.

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Making Black Girls Count in Math Education

Nicole M. Joseph

The author shares an experience she had as a mathematics learner, which became the catalyst for her work as a mathematics education researcher. She discusses the issues that Black girls face in our math classrooms and offers potential solutions for partnering with Black girls.

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Teaching Is a Journey: Evolving Mathematician

Taajah Felder Witherspoon

Math mentors, challenging math problems, and empowered students are crucial for math growth in both students and educators.

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The Beauty of Regular Hexagons

Arsalan Wares

The author shares geometry that inspires him.

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Problems to Ponder

Chris Harrow and Justin Johns

Problems to Ponder provides 28 varying, classroom-ready mathematics problems that collectively span PK–12, arranged in the order of the grade level. Answers to the problems are available online. Individuals are encouraged to submit a problem or a collection of problems directly to If published, the authors of problems will be acknowledged.

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Reconsidering Mathematical Authority

Michael D. Hicks, Jessica Pierson Bishop, Christina Koehne, and Mai Bui

Who has mathematical authority in your classroom, and what does authority look like? Find out different ways you can help students gain authority.

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Teaching Is a Journey: The Frog in the Well

Linling Cai Chawla, Amanda Fox, and Elodie Resurreccion

Three authors from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, who discovered that their understanding of math and education have been limited by their cultural views, collaborate to become better educators.

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Ways to Help Students Become Powerful Mathematical Thinkers

Alan H. Schoenfeld

Ear to the Ground features voices from several corners of the mathematics education world.

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Construct It! Triangle Puzzle Challenges

Enrique Ortiz

This article presents an original puzzle that supports students’ development of visual thinking and geometry ideas based on the Van Hiele levels of geometric thought.