In this mathematical modeling task, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 students determine the most impactful radioactive substance(s) released at the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
Modeling the Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster
Geena Taite, Helene Leonard, Amanda Provost, and Nicole Panorkou
Model It! Devising a Model to Represent College Football Rankings
Rachel Wiemken, Gabriel Matney, and Brandon Floro
A model eliciting activity based on our students’ outside interests sparks engagement with modeling and interesting debates.
Using School Mathematics to Develop Students’ Data Literacy Skills
Joshua David Jones
To be literate in a society where the information shared online is often exploited, learners should be exposed to multiple aspects of contemporary predictive modeling. Explore a lesson in which students learned an algorithm used in practice to automate the process of making recommendations.
Integrating Machine Learning in Mathematics Classrooms
Joshua Jones
Explore a lesson in which students used conditional probability to conjecture a predictive text algorithm, which, if translated into a coding language, could teach a computer to predict what a user wants to type, given the previous words in a message.