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Math-Inspired Artwork

Alessandra King, Sophia Ouanes, and Claire Doh

Students and teachers enjoy exploring the boundaries between mathematics and art.

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The Hidden Beauty of Complex Numbers

Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano

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S3D: Small-Group, Student-to-Student Discourse

Sarah Quebec Fuentes

Learn about strategies and tools to examine and improve your practice with respect to fostering equitable small-group, student-to-student discourse.

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Everybody Still Plays: Virtual Engagement without Webcams On

Xi Yu

When learning is virtual and students’ webcams are turned off, the ways that we interacted in an in-person classroom fall short. These six strategies for hearing from all students during whole-group instruction and small-group work honor students’ need to keep their webcams off.

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Graphing Technology Helps Narrow the Digital Divide

Maria de Hoyos

To ensure that technology use benefits all students, it must be accessible with respect to cost and ease of use. Moreover, technology needs to be integrated by considering it from the perspective of the curriculum.

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Student Engagement with the “Into Math Graph" Tool

Amanda K. Riske, Catherine E. Cullicott, Amanda Mohammad Mirzaei, Amanda Jansen, and James Middleton

We introduce the Into Math Graph tool, which students use to graph how “into" mathematics they are over time. Using this tool can help teachers foster conversations with students and design experiences that focus on engagement from the student’s perspective.

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Cultural Connections: Exploring the Mathematics of Qatayef

Paul Naanou and Sam Rhodes

Students grapple with the problem of finding the volume of two different folds of a traditional Levantine dessert using either geometry or calculus.

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Now: The Metamorphosis of the Educational World

Zachary A. Stepp

“It's a YouTube World” (Schaffhauser, 2017), and educators are using digital tools to enhance student learning now more than ever before. The research question scholars need to explore is “what makes an effective instructional video?”.

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The Innovative Impact of NCTM Journals

Travis Lemon

NCTM has provided rich resources through the publication of practitioner journals for decades and is now leading the way once again with a digital first dynamic publication focused on the learning and teaching of mathematics. This is a rich opportunity for teachers to engage, to learn and to go.

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For ELLs: Vocabulary beyond the Definitions

Nancy S. Roberts and Mary P. Truxaw

A classroom teacher discusses ambiguities in mathematics vocabulary and strategies for ELL students in building understanding.