A monolingual English-speaking teacher reflects on her experiences practicing a translanguaging stance in first grade with two multilingual learners and provides a set of guiding principles.
Translanguaging Pedagogy in Elementary Mathematics
Tara M. Willging and Luciana C. de Oliveira
Are We Preparing Agents of Change or Instruments of Inequity? Teaching Toward Antiracist Mathematics Teacher Education
Joel Amidon, Anne Marie Marshall, and Rebecca E. Smith
The authors began this work with the understandings that (a) there is no “neutral” when it comes to the teaching of mathematics, and (b) mathematics teacher educators need to do something to help produce teachers of mathematics that develop students’ relationships with mathematics and push against the inequities that exist both within and outside of the classrooms in which they will teach. In response, the authors created, deployed, and studied a learning module in an attempt to enact antiracist mathematics teacher education. The learning module activities, the findings about the learning from the prospective teachers who engaged in the module, and messages for mathematics teacher educators who want to engage in this work are shared.
Identity Making in Kindergarten: Diego’s Story
Jody Guarino and Sara Manseau
Read about Diego, a kindergarten student, as he develops his mathematical identity and competency.
Math Storytelling in PK–2 Classrooms
Janice Novakowski
Mathematical storytelling is a way for young children to make connections between mathematics and their lives. The practices of using equations and materials are shared as sparks for mathematical storytelling.
We Are Different but the Same!
Deanna Pecaski McLennan
Use the language of mathematics to explore diversity in kindergarten.
Promoting Equitable Problem Solving with Numberless Math Stories
Carrie Plank and Sarah Roller Dyess
Use these three strategies to support student perseverance and discourse about context.
Challenging but Achievable Math for Young Children
Douglas H. Clements, Shannon S. Guss, and Julie Sarama
Learning trajectories help teachers challenge children at just the right level for their best learning.
A Critical Lens on Cognitively Guided Instruction: Perspectives from Mathematics Teacher Educators of Color
Luz A. Maldonado Rodríguez, Naomi Jessup, Marrielle Myers, Nicole Louie, and Theodore Chao
Elementary mathematics teacher education often draws on research-based frameworks that center children as mathematical thinkers, grounding teaching in children’s mathematical strategies and ideas and as a means to attend to equity in mathematics teaching and learning. In this conceptual article, a group of critical mathematics teacher educators of color reflect on the boundaries of Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) as a research-based mathematical instructional framework advancing equity through a sociopolitical perspective of mathematics instruction connected to race, power, and identity. We specifically discuss CGI along the dominant and critical approaches to equity outlined by Gutiérrez’s (2007, 2009) framework. We present strategies used to extend our work with CGI and call for the field to continue critical conversations of examining mathematical instructional frameworks as we center equity and criticality.
Empowering Latinx Families to Help Children with Mathematics
Sabrina De Los Santos Rodríguez, Audrey Martínez-Gudapakkam, and Judy Storeygard
An innovative program addresses the digital divide with short, engaging videos modeling mathematic activities sent to families through a free mobile app.
Support and Enrichment Experiences in Mathematics (SEE Math): Using Case Studies to Improve Mathematics Teacher Education
Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Emily P. Bonner, and Traci Kelley
This article describes an innovation in an elementary mathematics education course called SEE Math (Support and Enrichment Experiences in Mathematics), which aims to support teacher candidates (TCs) as they learn to teach mathematics through problem solving while promoting equity during multiple experiences with a child. During this 8-week program, TCs craft and implement tasks that promote problem solving in the context of a case study of a child’s thinking while collecting and analyzing student data to support future instructional decisions. The program culminates in a mock parent–teacher conference. Data samples show how SEE Math offers TCs an opportunity to focus on the nuances of children’s strengths rather than traditional measures of achievement and skill.