The author uses mathematical concepts to inform her knitting. Her knitting also helps her to experience mathematical concepts in new ways.
Visualizing Mathematics Through Knitting
Emily Dennett
Integrating Machine Learning in Mathematics Classrooms
Joshua Jones
Explore a lesson in which students used conditional probability to conjecture a predictive text algorithm, which, if translated into a coding language, could teach a computer to predict what a user wants to type, given the previous words in a message.
Cakes, Cookies, and Gumballs, Oh My!
Lynne Pendergrass
First graders learn about artist Wayne Thiebaud and explore estimation, counting, and probability while creating an artistic masterpiece.
GPS: From Combinations to Probability
Li Sun and Chunlian Jiang
Growing Problem Solvers offers four original, related, classroom-ready mathematical tasks, one for each grade band. Together, these tasks illustrate the trajectory of learners’ growth as problem solvers across their years of school mathematics.
GPS: Gopher Tunnel Probability
Kelly Hagan and Cheng-Yao Lin
GPS: Spring Frogs
Kelly Hagan and Cheng-Yao Lin
April 2020's GPS department provides tasks for each grade band that invite students to reason with age-appropriate number theoretic concepts.
GPS: From Folding to Dynamic Geometry Environments
S. Asli Özgün-Koca and Matt Enlow
In this month's Growing Problem Solvers, we focused on supporting students' understanding of congruence and similarity through rigid motions and transformations. Initial understandings of congruence and similarity begin in first grade as students work with shapes in different perspectives and orientations and reflect on similarities and differences.
Problems to Ponder
Steve Ingrassia and Molly Rawding
Problems to Ponder provides 28 varied, classroom-ready mathematics problems that span grades PK-12, arranged in order of grade band. Links to the problem answers are available in this department.