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Let’s Be Flexible

Clayton Edwards and Rebecca Robichaux-Davis

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Challenging but Achievable Math for Young Children

Douglas H. Clements, Shannon S. Guss, and Julie Sarama

Learning trajectories help teachers challenge children at just the right level for their best learning.

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Puddle Play!

Deanna Pecaski McLennan

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Student Engagement with the “Into Math Graph" Tool

Amanda K. Riske, Catherine E. Cullicott, Amanda Mohammad Mirzaei, Amanda Jansen, and James Middleton

We introduce the Into Math Graph tool, which students use to graph how “into" mathematics they are over time. Using this tool can help teachers foster conversations with students and design experiences that focus on engagement from the student’s perspective.

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Engaging Students through Modeling

Rocco Magaletto

How would students feel when learning through the use of mathematical modeling? On investigation, this article reveals that students felt better prepared for assessments, learned valuable life skills, and saw the relevance of mathematics to their lives outside of the classroom.

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Then: Assessment—So Much More Than Tests, Testing, and Accountability

Francis (Skip) Fennell

This synopsis of selected assessment issues presents historical and current considerations and concerns regarding summative and formative assessment and their influence and impact for teachers of PK-12 mathematics.

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Problems to Ponder

Steve Ingrassia and Molly Rawding

28 problems spanning the grades PK-12

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Problems to Ponder

Susie Katt and Megan Korponic

This document contains the actual problems for April 2020.