Easy to implement, this strategy has a powerful positive impact in mathematics classrooms.
Harnessing the Power of a Single-Number Number Talk
Alison Williams and Lisa Lamb
Formative Assessment in Secondary Mathematics: Moving Theory to Recommendations for Evidence-Based Practice
Rachael H. Kenney, Michael Lolkus, and Yukiko Maeda
Mathematics teacher educators play a key role in supporting secondary mathematics teachers’ development of effective, research-based formative assessment (FA) practices. We used qualitative research synthesis as a tool to identify actionable recommendations for mathematics teacher educators as they work with teachers on FA practices in secondary classrooms. These recommendations can strengthen the research-based practices of mathematics teacher educators as they support teachers’ collections and uses of FA data to move student thinking forward in secondary mathematics. We share and discuss recommendations for mathematics teacher educators to connect pedagogical content knowledge of students, teaching, and curriculum to FA practices. We also highlight the usefulness of the qualitative synthesis method, meta-aggregation, for generating research-based connections between theory and practice in mathematics education.
Rethinking Wait Time: What Can 3 Seconds Do?
Kathryn Early, K. Elizabeth Hammonds, Brea Ratliff, Mariya Rosenhammer, and W. Gary Martin
A high-leverage strategy first discussed more than 50 years ago, wait time has many benefits for both teachers and students yet is not used to its full potential. See how it can enhance your students’ mathematical discourse.
Maximizing the Potential of Mathematical Writing Prompts
Tutita M. Casa, Cindy M. Gilson, Micah N. Bruce-Davis, E. Jean Gubbins, Stacy M. Hayden, and Elizabeth J. Canavan
Learn how to identify, adapt, and create writing prompts to capitalize on the insights you gain about each of your student’s thinking.
Teaching Is a Journey: Fostering Student Thinking
Kaycie Maddox
This department provides a space for current and past PK–12 teachers of mathematics to connect with other teachers of mathematics through their stories that lend personal and professional support.
Revising Word Problems to Address UDL and Standards
Noah Brown, Jonathan D. Bostic, Timothy Folger, Laura Folger, Tiara Hicks, and Shay Nafziger
Mathematics assessments should allow all students opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills as problem solvers. Looking at textbook word problems, we share a process for revising them using Universal Design for Learning.
Eight Unproductive Practices in Developing Fact Fluency
Gina Kling and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams
Basic fact fluency has always been of interest to elementary school teachers and is particularly relevant because a wide variety of supplementary materials of varying quality exist for this topic. This article unpacks eight common unproductive practices with basic facts instruction and assessment.
Building Powerful Mathematical Thinkers with dINBs
Courtney K. Baker, Terrie M. Galanti, Kimberly Morrow-Leong, and Tammy Kraft
The Teaching for Robust Understanding framework facilitates online collaborative problem solving with digital interactive notebooks that position all students as doers of mathematics.
Teaching Is a Journey: Partner Quizzes to Support Learning
Amanda Helgerson
This department provides a space for current and past PK–12 teachers of mathematics to connect with other teachers of mathematics through their stories that lend personal and professional support.