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Technology Helps Students Transcend Part-Whole Concepts

Anderson Norton, Jesse L. M. Wilkins, Michael A. Evans, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Osman Balci, and Mido Chang

Explore a new app that allows students to develop a more sophisticated understanding of fractions.

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Dropping In on the Math of Plinko

Nirmala Naresh and Bridget Royce

Students design game boards and gather experimental data to better understand the hidden mathematics in a common television game show.

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Conceptualizing Mathematics Using Narratives and Art

Terri L. Kurz and Barbara Bartholomew

To support mathematical investigations, use this framework to guide students in constructing art-based and technology-based literature.

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Coordinate an Attack Using the Calculator

Sharie R. Kranz, Carlo A. Amato, and Eric A. Freudenthal

Teachers using these graphing tasks experienced engagement in understanding the need for the coordinate system.

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Virtual manipulatives to assess understanding

Pamela Edwards Johnson, Melissa Campet, Kelsey Gaber, and Emma Zuidema

Three preservice teachers used virtual manipulatives during clinical interviews with students of elementary school age. The technology exposed students' problem-solving strategies and mathematical understanding, promoting just-in-time teaching about the target content. The process of completing and reflecting on the interviews contributed to growth of the preservice teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge.

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A Geometric Path to the Concept of Function

Scott Steketee and Daniel Scher

Transformations using dynamic software can provide a unique perspective on a common topic.