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Student Engagement with the “Into Math Graph" Tool

Amanda K. Riske, Catherine E. Cullicott, Amanda Mohammad Mirzaei, Amanda Jansen, and James Middleton

We introduce the Into Math Graph tool, which students use to graph how “into" mathematics they are over time. Using this tool can help teachers foster conversations with students and design experiences that focus on engagement from the student’s perspective.

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Using TileFarm to Support Emerging Multiplication

Matt B. Roscoe

Symmetric dot patterns are a particularly powerful object for investigation, providing opportunities for foundational learning across PK–5. We found that second-grade students naturally used repeated addends to count symmetric dot patterns created using the new software TileFarm.

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Partial Pies

Jennifer Marshall

A series of tasks encourage students to reflect on the reasonableness of their number sense and use benchmarks to refine their estimations.

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Playing with Fractions

Juli K. Dixon, Treshonda Rutledge, Jennifer C. Caton, and Edward C. Nolan

Constraints for social distancing require teachers to find creative ways to engage students. Consider this fun strategy for exploring fraction equivalence, addition, and subtraction in a game environment where students use self-made or digital manipulatives.

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Technology Helps Students Transcend Part-Whole Concepts

Anderson Norton, Jesse L. M. Wilkins, Michael A. Evans, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Osman Balci, and Mido Chang

Explore a new app that allows students to develop a more sophisticated understanding of fractions.

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The Power of Problem Choice

Katherine A. G. Phelps

Fourth- and fifth-grade learners can use differentiated number sets within CGI problem structures to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.

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Virtual manipulatives to assess understanding

Pamela Edwards Johnson, Melissa Campet, Kelsey Gaber, and Emma Zuidema

Three preservice teachers used virtual manipulatives during clinical interviews with students of elementary school age. The technology exposed students' problem-solving strategies and mathematical understanding, promoting just-in-time teaching about the target content. The process of completing and reflecting on the interviews contributed to growth of the preservice teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge.