The Asked & Answered department shares excerpts from discussion threads on the online MyNCTM community. In this issue, featured threads highlight responses to members' questions related to mathematical depth in preschool, spiral review in the upper elementary grades, ideas for differentiation in middle school, and projects for high school algebra.
Asked & Answered
Engaging Latino Families as Mathematicians
Geraldo Tobon and Marie Tejero Hughes
We share our experiences and those of culturally diverse families who participated in math workshops. We tie our experiences with the importance of family engagement, in particular, viewing families as a resource to be tapped into. We do so, in hopes that other school personnel take on a similar venture.
Asked & Answered
The Asked & Answered department shares excerpts from discussion threads on the online MyNCTM community. In this issue, featured threads highlight responses to members' questions regarding 1st grade number sense, multiplication and division of fractions, issues of definition and precision related to circles, and the value of rationalizing denominators.
Avoiding the Ineffective Keyword Strategy
Karen S. Karp, Sarah B. Bush, and Barbara J. Dougherty
Try these meaningful alternative approaches to helping students make sense of word problems.
A Better Tomorrow through Math
Christie Henderson
Math is so much more than numbers.
Danger! Animals in the Mathematics Classroom
Stefanie D. Livers, Kristin E. Harbour, and Lindsey Fowler
In our attempts to make a concept easier, we may hinder student learning.
Decomposing Rectangles
Annie Perkins and Christy Pettis
Students are given a problem to break down rectangles.
Double Impact: Mathematics and Executive Function
Candace Joswick, Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Holland W. Banse, and Crystal A. Day-Hess
Modify activities according to these principles and suggestions.
A Leg Up on the Metric System
Students use a super-hero theme to compare the imperial system to the metric system.
License to Do Math with a Full Tank
Ron Lancaster
Since its inception, the Mathematical Lens column has provided teachers with resources to use with their students to make connections between mathematics and the world around us through the use of photographs. The editors and the dozens of teachers who submitted material for columns have taken all of us on a journey around the world to discover where mathematics lives. These columns have offered teachers a license to do mathematics everywhere and to travel far with their students with a full tank of resources.