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What Do You Do With an Idea?

Gladys H. Krause, Caroline Utne Finchum, and Maria-Emilia Borja

In a mathematics class where students are encouraged to freely share ideas, the room brims with diverse thoughts. How do students and teachers use them? Let’s follow a group of multilingual students and teachers to see what they did with an idea!

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Inclusive Playground Design

Holly Tate, Samantha Anstett, Beth Cooke, Merrie Joy Hrabak, and Jennifer Suh

The mathematics of budgeting and space can lead to a justice-oriented experience for elementary students as they design a proposal for an inclusive playground.

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The Problem With Plastics

Ming C. Tomayko and Jordan L. Almony

There is a growing reliance on plastic, even though it is a synthetic material that does not decompose. The activities in this article aim to inform and inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.

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Students Design Problem-Solving Slideshows

Robert W. Maloy, Sai Gattupalli, and Sharon A. Edwards

How can elementary students use Google Slides to enhance their math problem-solving skills and creativity?

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Productive Talk Across a Launch-Explore-Discuss Lesson

Julie Bacak, Hannah Gallo, Madelyn W. Colonnese, and Taylor Harrington

A fifth-grade mentor teacher and her mentee engaged students in productive talk across the phases of a launch-explore-discuss lesson about understanding of volume.

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Using Benchmarks to Support Fraction Addition

Jennifer M. Tobias and Neet Priya Bajwa

Benchmark fractions can allow students to assess the reasonableness of a solution without using a standard procedure.

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Fostering Social Justice Through Statistics

Susie Sujin Min

A secondary math teacher shares how she has made teaching and learning mathematics authentic and relevant, and has transformed herself and her students to be upstanders.

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From Switching Languages to Switching Units

Ayse Ozturk

Switching languages enriches the mathematical experience of all students in the classroom during the problem-solving process.

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Hands-on Geometric Tiling Art

Joe Champion, Ann Wheeler, Josephine Derrick, and David Gardner

This hands-on activity using geometric tiling art investigates concepts in geometry, number sense, and probability.

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Energizing a Sustainability Inquiry

Alicia Curria, Lindsay Keazer, and Darcy Ronan

An elementary teacher integrated mathematics and science to engage fourth graders in an authentic inquiry exploring sustainability solutions for their school.