Growing Problem Solvers provides four original, related, classroom-ready mathematical tasks, one for each grade band. Together, these tasks illustrate the trajectory of learners’ growth as problem solvers across their years of school mathematics.
GPS: Good Measures
Daniel K. Siebert and Monica G. McLeod
Construct It! What’s in a Name? Collecting, Organizing, and Representing Data
Eva Thanheiser, Courtney Koestler, Amanda T. Sugimoto, and Mathew D. Felton-Koestler
Build a classroom community by building representations and visualizations of data related to students’ names.
Teaching Is a Journey: Advice for a New Teacher
Sandy Vorensky
This department provides a space for current and past PK-12 teachers of mathematics to connect with other teachers of mathematics through their stories that lend personal and professional support.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Sherri L. Martinie
Given the numbers and data at our fingertips in this digital age, mathematical and digital literacy skills are imperative when it comes to understanding natural and social phenomena and making good decisions. As teachers we are responsible for helping students make sense of this information
How Big Is a Leaf? Mathematical Modeling Through STEM Inquiry
Kym Fry and Lyn D. English
Grade 4 students engage in problem solving through inquiry in an agricultural science context.
The Life and Times of a Third-Grade Pencil
Matthew Kandel
Students determine the usable lifespan of a pencil in this mathematical modeling activity.
Using Fermi Questions to Foster Community
Kathryn Lavin Brave and Jillian Miller
Two teachers describe how to use Fermi Questions to illuminate the connections between the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the social and emotional learning competencies.
Introducing Grade 3 Students to Digital Data Exploration
Daniel Frischemeier
Bar graphs are fundamental to display distributions of categorical variables in primary school. Here is an approach using TinkerPlots™ to create bar graphs on different representation levels in small and large data sets.
Exploring Relative Size with Relative Risk
Surani Joshua, James Drimalla, Dru Horne, Heather Lavender, Alexandra Yon, Cameron Byerley, Hyunkyoung Yoon, and Kevin Moore
The Relative Risk Tool web app allows students to compare risks relating to COVID-19 with other more familiar risks, to make multiplicative comparisons, and to interpret them.