Let’s Be Flexible
Clayton Edwards and Rebecca Robichaux-Davis
Harnessing the Power of a Single-Number Number Talk
Alison Williams and Lisa Lamb
Easy to implement, this strategy has a powerful positive impact in mathematics classrooms.
Translanguaging Pedagogy in Elementary Mathematics
Tara M. Willging and Luciana C. de Oliveira
A monolingual English-speaking teacher reflects on her experiences practicing a translanguaging stance in first grade with two multilingual learners and provides a set of guiding principles.
Experience First, Formalize Later
Sarah Stecher, Luke Wilcox, and Lindsey Gallas
The EFFL model empowers students to build strong conceptual understanding of mathematics through carefully designed, equity-minded activities that disrupt the traditional lecture-based classroom.
Teaching Is a Journey: Vulnerability in Our Work as Educators
Taylee Nelson
This department provides a space for current and past PK-12 teachers of mathematics to connect with other teachers of mathematics through their stories that lend personal and professional support.
The Hidden Beauty of Complex Numbers
Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano
Building Equitable Math Talk Classrooms
Karen C. Fuson and Steve Leinwand
The power of Number Talks and extensions that can build to an equitable Math Talk Classroom
Promoting Equitable PST Participation in Mathematical Discourse: Rough Drafts on an Asynchronous Discussion Board
Margaret Rathouz, Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips, and Angela S. Krebs
Issues of equity in mathematics classrooms existed prior to COVID-19. For many students, however, meaningful participation in mathematical discussions became nearly impossible in online settings during the pandemic. In this study, we note the diversity in and nature of participation in mathematical discourse in an online course for preservice teachers (PSTs). We investigate the influence of implementing two support strategies for discussion: (a) establishing a “rough-draft/revision” orientation to mathematical tasks; and (b) providing time and structure (tasks and prompts) in an online discussion board for PSTs to post their initial thoughts, react to peers’ solutions, and collectively revise their ideas. In this article, we highlight several benefits of these support strategies to equitable PST participation in a unit on number theory. For example, as compared with oral discussions where only a few PSTs offered their ideas, the written discussion format encouraged every PST to post their ideas. Using a rough-draft/revision stance in the prompts fostered sharing and revealed diverse mathematical approaches, perspectives, and ideas. We argue that giving students opportunities to interact with one another and the mathematics in a variety of ways promotes equitable participation.
Same Task but Different Learning Goals
Stephanie D. Sigmon, Kelly Q. Halpin, Damien J. Ettere, and Jennifer Suh
This article models how to plan and facilitate implementing the same task in two sixth-grade classrooms with two different learning goals using the Five Practices structure.
Access, Power, Identity, and Healing in Mathematics
Sara Gartland, Shellee Wong, and Laurie Silverstein
Co-teachers in a ninth-grade algebra 1 class offered instruction that integrates mathematical learning with social and emotional learning during hybrid (online and face-to-face) class meetings, promoting healing and positive identity development among students.