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Are We Preparing Agents of Change or Instruments of Inequity? Teaching Toward Antiracist Mathematics Teacher Education

Joel Amidon, Anne Marie Marshall, and Rebecca E. Smith

The authors began this work with the understandings that (a) there is no “neutral” when it comes to the teaching of mathematics, and (b) mathematics teacher educators need to do something to help produce teachers of mathematics that develop students’ relationships with mathematics and push against the inequities that exist both within and outside of the classrooms in which they will teach. In response, the authors created, deployed, and studied a learning module in an attempt to enact antiracist mathematics teacher education. The learning module activities, the findings about the learning from the prospective teachers who engaged in the module, and messages for mathematics teacher educators who want to engage in this work are shared.

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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Sherri L. Martinie

Given the numbers and data at our fingertips in this digital age, mathematical and digital literacy skills are imperative when it comes to understanding natural and social phenomena and making good decisions. As teachers we are responsible for helping students make sense of this information

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Chalk Talk: Engaging All Students in Visible Thinking

Kelly Overby Byrd, Kayla Cooper, Raegan Bolger, and Heather Treece

We share two examples of student engagement in visible, mathematical thinking through a Chalk Talk within the four walls of the classroom, as well as the connected spaces of online learning. Five steps for facilitating the Chalk Talk are outlined, with descriptions of teacher moves for each step.

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How Big Is a Leaf? Mathematical Modeling Through STEM Inquiry

Kym Fry and Lyn D. English

Grade 4 students engage in problem solving through inquiry in an agricultural science context.

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The Life and Times of a Third-Grade Pencil

Matthew Kandel

Students determine the usable lifespan of a pencil in this mathematical modeling activity.

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Branch Play

Deanna Pecaski McLennan

This article describes how fortuitous mathematical moments should be noticed, encouraged, embraced, and capitalized upon.

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GPS: How Long? Estimating Length and Time

S. Asli Özgün-Koca and Monica G. McLeod

Growing Problem Solvers provides four original, related, classroom-ready mathematical tasks, one for each grade band. Together, these tasks illustrate the trajectory of learners’ growth as problem solvers across their years of school mathematics.

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Introducing Grade 3 Students to Digital Data Exploration

Daniel Frischemeier

Bar graphs are fundamental to display distributions of categorical variables in primary school. Here is an approach using TinkerPlots™ to create bar graphs on different representation levels in small and large data sets.

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Exploring Relative Size with Relative Risk

Surani Joshua, James Drimalla, Dru Horne, Heather Lavender, Alexandra Yon, Cameron Byerley, Hyunkyoung Yoon, and Kevin Moore

The Relative Risk Tool web app allows students to compare risks relating to COVID-19 with other more familiar risks, to make multiplicative comparisons, and to interpret them.

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Exploring Data from Lived Experiences: A Pandemic Case

Hyunyi Jung, Ji-Won Son, and Ji-Yeong I

Use a COVID-19 lesson as an example of how to apply a framework aligned with research recommendations to support students as they apply mathematics to real life.