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How Big Is a Leaf? Mathematical Modeling Through STEM Inquiry

Kym Fry and Lyn D. English

Grade 4 students engage in problem solving through inquiry in an agricultural science context.

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The Life and Times of a Third-Grade Pencil

Matthew Kandel

Students determine the usable lifespan of a pencil in this mathematical modeling activity.

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Using Fermi Questions to Foster Community

Kathryn Lavin Brave and Jillian Miller

Two teachers describe how to use Fermi Questions to illuminate the connections between the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the social and emotional learning competencies.

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Introducing Grade 3 Students to Digital Data Exploration

Daniel Frischemeier

Bar graphs are fundamental to display distributions of categorical variables in primary school. Here is an approach using TinkerPlots™ to create bar graphs on different representation levels in small and large data sets.

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Let's Hit the Target!

Manouchehri Azita, Ozturk Ayse, and Sanjari Azin

In this article we illustrate how one teacher used PhET cannonball simulation as an instructional tool to improve students' algebraic reasoning in a fifth grade classroom. Three instructional phases effective to implementation of simulation included: Free play, Structured inquiry and, Synthesizing ideas.

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Supporting Probability Understanding through Area Models

LouAnn H. Lovin

Moving beyond memorization of probability rules, the area model can be useful in making some significant ideas in probability more apparent to students. In particular, area models can help students understand when and why they multiply probabilities and when and why they add probabilities.

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What's in a Name? Language Use as a Mirror into Your Teaching Practice

Tracy E. Dobie and Miriam Gamoran Sherin

Language is key to how we understand and describe mathematics teaching and learning. Learning new terms can help us reflect on our practice and grow as teachers, yet may require us to be intentional about where and how we look for opportunities to expand our lexicons.

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Leveraging Read Alouds for Mathematical Connections

Sandra M. Linder and Amanda Bennett

This article presents examples of how early childhood educators (prek-2nd grade) might use their daily read alouds as a vehicle for increasing mathematical talk and mathematical connections for their students.

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Now: The Metamorphosis of the Educational World

Zachary A. Stepp

“It's a YouTube World” (Schaffhauser, 2017), and educators are using digital tools to enhance student learning now more than ever before. The research question scholars need to explore is “what makes an effective instructional video?”.

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Stephen Phelps

Edited by Anna F. DeJarnette

A monthly set of problems targets a variety of ability levels.