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Adapt It! Adapting Stories and Technology for Engagement in Geometry

Karen L. Terrell, Dennis J. DeBay, and Valerie J. Spencer

A task to develop and provide access to mathematics for all.

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The Magic Is in the Margins: UDL Math

Rachel Lambert

In this article, I propose a mathematical version of Universal Design for Learning called UDL Math. I describe three classrooms that include students with disabilities in meaningful mathematics and explore how the teachers create access through multiple means of engagement, representation, and strategic action.

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The Power of Interviewing Students

Theresa J. MacVicar, Amy R. Brodesky, and Emily R. Fagan

A teacher uses formative assessment interviews to uncover evidence of students’ understandings and to plan targeted instruction in a mathematics intervention class. We present an example of a student interview, a discussion of the benefits and challenges of conducting interviews, and actionable suggestions for implementing them.

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Responsive and Relevant to Whom?

Cathery Yeh

Ear to the Ground features voices from various corners of the mathematics education world.

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Build a Bridge: Provide Access to Grade-Level Content for All Students

LauraMarie K. Coleman

Struggling students engage in a scaffolded series of problems and learning experiences that provide access to grade-level content.

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Supporting Probability Understanding through Area Models

LouAnn H. Lovin

Moving beyond memorization of probability rules, the area model can be useful in making some significant ideas in probability more apparent to students. In particular, area models can help students understand when and why they multiply probabilities and when and why they add probabilities.

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Now: The Metamorphosis of the Educational World

Zachary A. Stepp

“It's a YouTube World” (Schaffhauser, 2017), and educators are using digital tools to enhance student learning now more than ever before. The research question scholars need to explore is “what makes an effective instructional video?”.

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Difference Not Deficit: Reconceptualizing Mathematical Learning Disabilities

Katherine E. Lewis

Mathematical learning disability (MLD) research often conflates low achievement with disabilities and focuses exclusively on deficits of students with MLDs. In this study, the author adopts an alternative approach using a response-to-intervention MLD classification model to identify the resources students draw on rather than the skills they lack. Detailed diagnostic analyses of the sessions revealed that the students understood mathematical representations in atypical ways and that this directly contributed to the persistent difficulties they experienced. Implications for screening and remediation approaches are discussed.

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Students with Learning Disabilities Tackle Multistep Problems

Casey Hord and Samantha Marita

Support math conversations and teach students to approach various problem-solving tasks by encouraging the use of tables.

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Driving Students to Performance Assessments: Learning What Students Can Do

Elizabeth T. Walker and Jeffrey S. Molisani

Multiple entry points on the road to assessing students can tell teachers if students can do math and therefore apply math to real-world problems.