Teachers share success stories and ideas that stimulate thinking about the effective use of technology in K—grade 6 classrooms. One way to keep young students engaged and interested in practicing counting is to involve them in using cameras. This article explains how first graders capture 100 images, use Windows MovieMaker or PhotoStory to turn the still images into a video, and then narrate a story using precise math vocabulary to explain their mathematical thinking.

Contributor Notes

Jennifer Orr, jaorr@fcps.edu, is a first-grade teacher at Annandale Terrace Elementary School in Fairfax County, Virginia. A National Board Certified Teacher in Middle Childhood, her interests lie in integrating technology to enhance math learning for primary students.

Jennifer Suh, jsuh4@gmu.edu, is an associate professor of mathematics education at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, Virginia. Her research focuses on developing teachers' content knowledge in mathematics through lesson study and on building students' mathematical proficiency through problem solving.

Edited by Spencer Jamieson, Spencer.jamieson@fcps.edu, a mathematics resource teacher for the Instructional Services Department of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in Virginia

Patricia W. Freeman, pfreema1@gmu.edu, who teaches algebra 1 and geometry to eighth graders at Franklin Middle School in Chantilly, Virginia, while pursuing a doctorate in Mathematics Education Leadership at GMU

Courtney Baker, cbaker@gmu.edu, who is an FCPS math consultant and a GMU doctoral student. Technology from the Classroom is the venue for sharing articles that illustrate the effective use of technology in pre-K–grade 6 math classrooms. Send submissions of no more than 1500 words to this department by accessing tcm.msubmit.net. See detailed submission guidelines for all departments at www.nctm.org/tcmdepartments.

(Corresponding author is Orr jaorr@fcps.edu)
(Corresponding author is Suh jsuh4@gmu.edu)
(Corresponding author is Freeman pfreema1@gmu.edu)
(Corresponding author is Baker cbaker@gmu.edu)
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Teaching Children Mathematics
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