Math by the Month features collections of short activities that focus on a monthly theme and aim for an inquiry or problem-solving orientation that includes at least four activities each for grade bands K–2, 3–4, and 5–6. In this issue, we look at quilting in America, which is as old as America herself. The popularity of quilts has continued, and many Americans still quilt today. Some people consider it an art form.

Contributor Notes

Terri L. kurz,, teaches mathematics and math methodology at Arizona State University, Polytechnic in Mesa. She learned to quilt from her grandmother, who thinks she quilts “without doing the math.”

Edited by Christine D. Poulsen,, and kimberly M. Lilienthal, Poulsen is a math grant coordi – nator for the Placer County Office of Education and a project director for CaMSP Math Grant SUCCESS in Auburn, California. Lilienthal is a project director for CaMSP RIMS and an academic math coach for RIMS for the Placer County Office of Education. E-mail problem collections for the editors to consider for future Math by the Month columns. See detailed submission guidelines at E-mail creative solutions and adapted problems to for potential publication, noting Readers Exchange in the subject line.

(Corresponding author is kurz
(Corresponding author is Poulsen
(Corresponding author is Lilienthal
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