During a Desmos activity, students adjust the measures of angles in radians to reposition a laser and a mirror so the beam passes through three stationary targets. The Radian Lasers activity can be extended to simulate project-based learning.
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Çekmez, Erdem.2020. “What Generalizations Do Students Achieve with Respect to Trigonometric Functions in the Transition from Angles in Degrees to Real Numbers?” The Journal of Mathematical Behavior58 (June).)| false
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Clements, Douglas H., and Michael T.Battista.1992. “Geometry and Spatial Reasoning.” In Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, edited by Douglas A.Grouws, 420–64. New York: Macmillan.)| false
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Clements, Douglas H., and Barbara A.Burns.2000. “Students’ Development of Strategies for Turn and Angle Measure.” Educational Studies in Mathematics41, no. 1 (January): 31–45.)| false
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Crompton, Helen.2015. “Understanding Angle and Angle Measure: A Design-Based Research Study Using Context Aware Ubiquitous Learning.” International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education22, no. 1 (January): 19–30.)| false
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Fi, Cos Dabiri.2003. “Preservice Secondary School Mathematics Teachers’’ Knowledge of Trigonometry: Subject Matter Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Envisioned Pedagogy.” PhD diss., University of Iowa.)| false
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Kaur, Harpreet.2020. “Introducing the Concept of Angle to Young Children in a Dynamic Geometry Environment.” International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology51, no. 2 (February): 161–82.)| false
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Tallman, Michael, and KristinFrank.2020. “Angle Measure, Quantitative Reasoning, and Instructional Coherence: An Examination of the Role of Mathematical Ways of Thinking as a Component of Teachers’ Knowledge Base.” Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education23, no. 1 (February): 69–95.
Tallman, Michael, and KristinFrank.2020. “Angle Measure, Quantitative Reasoning, and Instructional Coherence: An Examination of the Role of Mathematical Ways of Thinking as a Component of Teachers’ Knowledge Base.” Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education23, no. 1 (February): 69–95.)| false
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