The Teaching for Robust Understanding framework facilitates online collaborative problem solving with digital interactive notebooks that position all students as doers of mathematics.
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Hohlfeld, Tina N., Albert D.Ritzhaupt, KaraDawson, and Matthew L.Wilson. 2017. “An Examination of Seven Years of Technology Integration in Florida Schools: Through the Lens of the Levels of Digital Divide in Schools." Computers and Education113 (October): 135–61.10.1016/j.compedu.2017.05.017)| false
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Louie, Nicole L., Evra M.Baldinger, and the Algebra Teaching Study and Mathematics Assessment Project.2018. The TRU Math Conversation Guide: A Tool for Teacher Learning and Growth. Berkeley, CA: Graduate School of Education, University of California; East Lansing, MI: College of Education, Michigan State University.
Louie, Nicole L., Evra M.Baldinger, and the Algebra Teaching Study and Mathematics Assessment Project.2018. The TRU Math Conversation Guide: A Tool for Teacher Learning and Growth. Berkeley, CA: Graduate School of Education, University of California; East Lansing, MI: College of Education, Michigan State University.| false
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National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).2012. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Common Core State Standards (College- and Career-Readiness Standards and K–12 Standards in English Language Arts and Math). Washington, DC: NGA Center and CCSSO.| false
Puigjaner, Ramon.2016. “Progressing toward Digital Equity." In Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR), San Jose, Costa Rica, September 12–14, 2016, pp. 109-20.
Puigjaner, Ramon.2016. “Progressing toward Digital Equity." In Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR), San Jose, Costa Rica, September 12–14, 2016, pp. 109-20.| false
Schoenfeld, Alan H., and the Teaching for Robust Understanding Project.2016. An Introduction to the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework. Berkeley, CA: Graduate School of Education, University of California.
Schoenfeld, Alan H., and the Teaching for Robust Understanding Project.2016. An Introduction to the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework. Berkeley, CA: Graduate School of Education, University of California.| false
Waldman, Cheryl, and Kent J.Crippen. 2009. “Integrating Interactive Notebooks: A Daily Learning Cycle to Empower Students for Science." The Science Teacher76, no. 1 (January): 51–55.
Waldman, Cheryl, and Kent J.Crippen. 2009. “Integrating Interactive Notebooks: A Daily Learning Cycle to Empower Students for Science." The Science Teacher76, no. 1 (January): 51–55.)| false