Field experience can be a rich site for intern teachers to develop the knowledge and skills they need for effective teaching. Lesson study has been shown to be a powerful form of professional development that enhances practicing teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching through collaborative inquiry with their peers. In this article, we discuss the use of mentor-guided lesson study to support mentor and intern collaboration in the field and share what we have learned about its potential to support interns' attention to student thinking. We will also share insights from the field for those interested in implementing this activity in teacher preparation coursework.
* In accordance with MTE policy regarding conflicts of interest with the editor, the review process for this manuscript was handled by Lynn Stallings, Kennesaw State University. This article was submitted and accepted under the editorship of Margaret Smith, prior to the first author's term as associate editor of the journal.
Kristen N. Bieda, Michigan State University, 620 Farm Lane Road, 317 Erickson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824;