Activities for Students: Demonstrating Boolean Logic Using Simple Electrical Circuits

Kevin W. McElhaney teaches at Parkway North High Schoolin Creve Coeur, MO 63146, Where he has taught in the mathematics and science departments.

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The honors geometry classes at parkway North High School in Creve Coeur, Missouri, typically do a unit on Boolean logic operators as a precursor to the formal thinking required for geometric proofs. To provide a more direct and tangible connection of logic with a real-world application, I developed this enrichment activity. The activity uses simple electric circuits to model the basic logic operators AND and OR, thus allowing students to physically visualize the true-or-false patterns of compound logic statements, make conceptual connections between logical operators and the physics of electrical circuits, and gain an appreciation for the design of common electronic products.


Kevin McElhaney teaching interests include using technology to enhance learning and integrating mathematics and science instruction.

Edited by Gene Potter, Hazelwood West High School (retired), Hazelwood, MO 63031

This department is designed to provide in reproducible formats activities for students in grades 7–12. The material may be reproduced by classroom teachers for use in their own classes. Readers who have developed successful classroom activities are encouraged to submit manuscripts, in a format similar to the “Activities” already published, to the journal editor for review. Of particular interest are activities focusing on the Council's curriculum standards, its expanded concept of basic skills, problem solving and applications, and the uses of calculators and computers.

Write to NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1502, to request the catalog of educational materials, which lists compilations of “Activities” in bound form. An online version of the catalog is available at—Ed.

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