We assessed the efficacy of two spatial learning programs grounded in early years learning pedagogical theory to improve numeracy performance in preschool. Engagement with a play-based spatial program led to better overall spatial reasoning and transferred to better numeracy compared with a business-as-usual control, underscoring the importance of embedding spatial learning within strong pedagogy and authentic preschool contexts. Engagement with the same spatial program using a spatialized curriculum (e.g., gesture, sketching) showed large additive effects, highlighting the role of spatial reasoning tools to support transfer of spatial reasoning to numeracy. The effects of the two interventions were moderated by spatial reasoning, with children with lower spatial reasoning making the most gains in numeracy.
Ilyse Resnick, STEM Education Research Centre, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT, Australia, 2617; ilyse.resnick@canberra.edu.au