December is typically the time for year-in-review reflections, but given the publication schedule for JRME, a report of the status of the journal falls to the January issue. It has been a productive year for JRME. The number of manuscript submissions has increased by 17% when compared to this same time period last year.1 Although we are pleased to be receiving more submissions, the increase in manuscripts has not increased the acceptance rate. In fact, the acceptance rate for all manuscripts submitted to JRME has dropped from 8% to about 6%. However, the rate of acceptance for manuscripts that were fully reviewed (i.e., were appropriate for the journal but did not receive a desk reject decision or were not editorially reviewed2) was considerably greater, at about 22%. It is noteworthy that the majority of accepted manuscripts were resubmissions of papers that had previously received “revise and resubmit” decisions. This is a good indicator that the review process has been effective in providing authors with the kind of constructive criticism that can help them craft a publishable manuscript. Moreover, it points to the important role that reviewers play in the publication process.