Address K–12 data and statistics standards utilizing data from Census at School, an easy-to-use platform students can use to gather data about their world.
Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice by Courtney Baker and Melinda Knapp. Elevate your Math Coaching and Leadership Skills with the power of the Proactive Coaching Framework – where context meets content for intentional professional growth. Drawing on a set of 33 Guiding Questions, the PCF prompts you to intentionally plan and reflect on your actions so that you can make instructional decisions that are proactive rather than reactive.
The January issue of JRME includes a Brief Report about asynchronous teacher professional development and a Research Commentary on using learning opportunities as a way to measure quality teaching. The editorial reflects on the genre of empirical research reports.
The February 2024 issue of Mathematics Teacher Educator is a special issue devoted to elevating teacher voices. These five articles center teachers in discussing syllabus design, design thinking, decolonizing lesson study, professional development, and teaching in an emergency.